
What Happens If I Lose Weight After My Facial Fat Graft?

While weight fluctuation is an important aspect to think about prior to any aesthetic surgery, it’s critical when considering facial contouring procedures like facial fat grafts. Facial fat grafting surgery is a safe, effective way to restore definition in facial features with beautiful, natural-looking results. As such, it’s important that patients understand the implications of weight loss after fat grafting.

Facial fat grafting is a popular facial rejuvenation cosmetic procedure that is an ideal solution for patients who are looking to restore facial volume without synthetic dermal fillers. Dr. Robyn Daugherty has put information together to answer your questions about what happens if you lose weight after your facial fat graft to help you make informed decisions about your facial contouring procedures.

What Is Facial Fat Grafting?

A facial fat grafting procedure is also known as autologous fat transfer, fat injection, or facial fat rejuvenation. This procedure can accomplish many of the same facial volume restoration effects as dermal fillers; however, the results of facial fat grafting typically last years longer. The procedure is also more involved than dermal fillers, as it requires your Baton Rouge plastic surgeon to take fat located from undesirable locations of the body and strategically place those healthy fat cells into targeted areas  to create a more youthful appearance.

Facial fat grafting helps restore facial volume and improve overall skin tone and texture to create a younger and healthier appearance by:

  • Restoring volume and fullness to cheeks
  • Softening creases and smoothing moderate to severe fine lines and wrinkles
  • Diminishing the appearance of scars
  • Redefining the chin and jawline
  • Tightening skin around the lips
  • Addressing undereye areas to decrease shadows
  • Rejuvenating hollowed areas at the temples and under the eyes
  • Improved appearance of the donor area due to fat reduction

Accompanying Procedures

Typically, facial fat grafting procedures can refresh the undereye area, restore lost volume to cheeks, and give a more youthful appearance to the face. Dr. Daugherty often recommends combining fat grafting with other procedures for a full facial rejuvenation, including:

How Does Facial Fat Grafting Work?

As fat transfers are completed in two stages, Dr. Daugherty will begin by harvesting fat from the donor site via liposuction. Following extraction, the fat is processed to ensure only healthy, undamaged cells are transferred.

Donor sites may include the:

  • Abdomen
  • Flanks
  • Outer or Inner thighs

Then, healthy fat cells are strategically injected into the areas of the face where more volume is desired.  

Following a facial fat graft, the fat must reestablish its blood supply to ensure survival. Typically, fat graft survival is approximately 60%, which means the transferred fat will go on to survive in its new location. As such, Dr. Daugherty may graft more fat to promote optimal results. Some patients may require multiple fat transfer grafts to achieve their desired results.

Am I a Candidate for Baton Rouge Fat Transfer?

Typically, good candidates for Baton Rouge facial fat grafting procedures are patients in good mental and physical health who are looking to enhance their appearance. Successful fat grafting results require enough fat to harvest from appropriate donor areas and resilient skin.

Dr. Daugherty recommends candidates:

  • Live a healthy lifestyle
  • Be at a healthy, stable weight
  • Be non-smokers, or willing to quit before surgery
  • Not be pregnant or nursing
  • Have realistic expectations and a positive outlook
  • Understand the surgical risks

It’s important to note that facial fat graft surgery and liposuction are body contouring procedures, not weight loss procedures. Neither procedure will result in significant weight loss, so patients considering facial fat grafts should be near their ideal weight.

How Long Do Facial Fat Grafting Results Last?

Following a Baton Rouge facial fat graft, most patients experience noticeable results immediately and see continued improvements as the body adjusts to its new contours and swelling resolves. As not all the transferred fat will survive the procedure, patients should wait until about three months post-procedure to have an accurate assessment of how much fat has survived.

Typically, patients experience optimal facial fat grafting results that can last several years. It’s important to maintain a stable weight to ensure long-lasting results. Appropriate skincare products and recommended treatments may help to further encourage result longevity.

Will Weight Loss Affect My Facial Fat Grafts?

Weight loss begins when you use more calories than you consume, at which point the body will burn fat cells for continued energy. Unfortunately, we cannot control the areas of the body where the excess fat is lost or preserved. When you’re experiencing body composition changes like weight loss, it can affect many areas of your body, including your facial fat grafts, as they behave the same as any other fat.

If you plan on losing weight after your facial fat grafts, you may experience a significant impact to your results. As such, it is critical to be at or near your ideal weight prior to receiving your grafts to maintain your results.

How Do I Preserve My Fat Grafting Results?

Following most facial fat grafting treatments, fat graft survival rate is 60%. This surviving fat is permanent, and as such, it responds just like any other bodily fat. If you experience weight fluctuations, you will notice changes in your fat grafting results. Here are some tips to help you preserve the transferred fat and your amazing results.

  • Follow all post-operative instructions you receive from your plastic surgeon.
  • It’s important to maintain your stable weight as weight fluctuations can negatively impact your optimal results. Significant fluctuations in weight can affect the volume in your face.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet. Ensure you are eating enough lean proteins, healthy fats, and fresh veggies to provide your body with necessary nutrients.
  • Avoid smoking as it affects blood flow to your newly transferred fat cells, which can hinder your recovery.
  • Exercise regularly after your facial fat grafting treatment. While you should avoid intense physical activities for two to four weeks after fat injections, as soon as you are cleared to do so, you should resume your regular exercise routine.
  • Keep your body hydrated. Drinking plenty of water can maximize fat survival and speed your recovery. Ensure you also have enough minerals and salts in your diet.
  • Avoid excess sun exposure because UV rays can negatively impact your skin. Consider any procedures your plastic surgeon recommends to enhance the appearance of your skin.

Choosing Dr. Robyn Daugherty as Your Baton Rouge Fat Grafting Expert

Choosing the right plastic surgeon is the most important decision of your facial fat grafting journey. While a plastic surgeon should be professional, honest, and compassionate, the number one aspect you should consider before planning any aesthetic surgery is board certification. Selecting a board-certified plastic surgeon means you’ve chosen a doctor who maintains and upholds extremely high standards of education, knowledge, and skills.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Robyn Daugherty will develop a unique facial fat grafting treatment plan to ensure your refreshed appearance. Dr. Daugherty believes in blending science and art to achieve beautiful, natural-looking results for her patients. With a dedication to excellent patient results, Dr. Daugherty aims to help you restore your confidence, no matter which cosmetic procedure you choose.

Schedule Your Facial Fat Grafting Consultation Today!

Refresh your appearance and trim unwanted fat when you partner with Dr. Robyn Daugherty, your board-certified plastic surgeon, one of the best facial fat grafting specialists in Baton Rouge! Contact Daugherty Plastic Surgery at (225) 235-3884 or complete our online form to schedule your fat grafting consultation today!

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